Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 6: Baby steps! Finally getting somewhere!

Happy Tuesday everyone!
Can you believe it is day 6 already?! Wow!
On to my news!....

I wasn't too sure how to go about contacting my local clinic considering when I called I really didn't get anywhere... so I went to the website

I first clicked "contact us"...which I circled in blue and labeled as "1"
then I clicked the concerns option which is circled in green and labeled as "2"

and considering I had no idea who the message was being sent to, I said the following:

I just had a few questions about the information your office provides to the families that use your services.

Who provides any/all informational pamphlets that you have available?

Do you provide any information about extended rear facing car seats and the safety benefits?

If I have concerns or questions about introducing another educational car seat pamphlet into the office who would I contact?

I really appreciate your time, thank you

I honestly didn't think that anything would come of that but I was happily surprised this morning when I checked my email and discovered that I had a response.  The woman who responded was wonderfully polite and told me:

In response to your email sent to Marshfield Clinic:
The information that is provided is chosen by the departments responsible for that topic; Pediatrics would decide about car seat information. The material currently used is from the American Academy of Pediatrics and Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation. When information is available that is current and accurate, the Clinic contracts with that publisher. If nothing is available on a topic, a Clinic health care provider who is knowledgeable on the topic would create a draft and the Clinic would publish it, following patient education guidelines. At the current time we do not feel we need another pamphlet on car seat safety. Pediatrics would have to request more information for it to be considered. Thank you for your interest.


I am extremely happy with this response because it thoroughly answered all the questions I had asked.  I did go on to reply to that email and explain that the information provided was outdated as far as the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for car seats goes.  I then immediately was sent an email saying that I should contact my local clinic and that if I would like she would follow up on it.  I sent a detailed message about the outdated information provided and how I felt it could be changed and thanked her once again for her help.

This is extremely motivating!
I am very happy with this glimmer of progress!

I will continue to update as responses to my emails, letters and phone calls reach me.

I would like to thank everyone who reads my blog and has made efforts to verbally spread the message about rear facing. 

Also, I have created a fan page on facebook for this blog!
Go ahead and 'like' it !

I hope everyone has a wonderful evening and a great morning tomorrow,


1 comment:

  1. Just found you today and LOVE the work you're doing!!! THANK YOU!
