Friday, March 18, 2011

Thank You! and our new motto!

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

I realize its after midnight so its not technically St. Patrick's Day anymore, but oh well :)

I cannot express how amazed I have been with the facebook page lately.  Admittedly, when I started this I was genuinely concerned that no one would care and it would fizzle out.  I am so happy to be wrong!  As I post tonight we have 350 'likes' on the page. That's amazing! I realize there are other pages that have upwards of thousands of people but they all had to start with 350 at some point and 350 is tons better than 0 if you ask me!

The one thing that surprises me more than the volume of people joining, is the support everyone has to offer! I check the page as often as I can, but sometimes I just can't get to it soon enough; I'm learning not to worry too much because no question goes unanswered! Everyone has such wonderful feedback and advice, it seems we are forming our own community.  Thank you all, once again.

I would also like to give a special thanks to a few people in my life who truly deserve a lot more thanks than I've been giving....

Leah-  This girl is my ERF rock!  I told her about this before I even started and she was nothing, NOTHING but supportive and helpful.  She is always willing to listen to my rants and joins in :).  She has made helpful suggestions and helped me spread the page in ways I could not have done alone.  She is a wonderful mother and my head cheerleader in this movement!

Eric- The best father that my son could ask for.  He is my best friend despite what people expect our relationship to be lol.  He has been understanding of this since Aiden-Liam's birth and possibly the most educated man I know when it comes to Extended Rear Facing lol, he has never asked me to stop talking about it...he is always willing to listen and absorb everything I say.  Standing firm on ERF'ing with our son is definitely the best support he can give me and he has.

Laurie- My mommy.  She has been tough loving me on this. Telling me to work harder when I've given up, standing by me when more 'old fashioned' family members tell me to turn my son forward facing and trusting that I know best for my son, which in this case involves his car seat.  When I was younger ERF wasn't 'the thing' to do with your children but she never pushed forward facing on me when I became a mother. 

Larry- The boyfriend lol.  He probably gets the blunt of the frustrated tears and rants when I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.  He may not entirely understand the statistics, facts or regulations behind ERF but he still backs me up 110%.

Thank you guys.
Your support means the world to me.

Now, on to business :)
I've found myself using the same 'catch phrase' (if you will...) when I'm sharing the link to the facebook page... and that is "It is amazing how a small change in your life can save your child's". I like it, I think its catchy and interesting, I think it may make some people want to see what I'm talking about.  I think its going to become my motto for this movement!

What do you all think of the new 'motto'? I'm curious!

Please feel free to message me on our facebook page, leave comments or just read the other posts!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, March 14, 2011


Hello everyone again!

I know, I know, its been forever since I've posted anything.

What happened? Simply put= LIFE!

Honestly I have excuse after excuse but most importantly this cause is so close to my heart, I couldn't stop thinking about it.  I was told a few days ago, don't give up on something you cannot go a day without thinking about.

On that note, the facebook page is doing great! We are gathering 'likes' slowly but surely.

I don't have anything new to report, even in all the time from my last post I still have not received replies from most of the people I have contacted regarding the issue. 

Has anyone made any progress in their lives?
Please share!

I hope everyone is enjoying the little peek of spring that most states have been getting lately :)